

March 7, 2025

Bugs of Boise, ID
Bugs of Boise, ID
Bugs of Boise, ID

The Bugs of Boise, ID

Are you having issues with Bed Bugs, Box Elder Bugs, Chinch Bugs, Ticks, Earwigs, Sow Bugs, Silverfish, Fleas or other nuisance pests?  If so, contact Boise Pest Control, LLC and have a professional pest control technician evaluate your pest situation.

Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs can be transferred from place to place by attaching themselves to clothing or other items.  Bed Bugs survive by drinking the blood of their victim.  It is believed that Bed Bugs prefer human blood over the blood of other creatures.

Box Elder Bugs

Box Elder Bugs are common in Boise, Idaho and surrounding areas.  Box Elder Bugs can cause significant damage to trees, shrubs and man made structures.  Box Elder Bugs are most active in cooler months.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch Bugs will literally suck the life out of your lawn at your home or business in Boise, Idaho.  Chinch Bugs are hard to detect because they are so small and do a good job at hiding in your lawn.  However, left unchecked, a Chinch Bug infestation will ruin your entire lawn and garden.


While it is common folklore that earwigs crawl into the human ear and lay eggs in the brain of their host, it is true that an infestation of earwigs can be damaging to your lawn and garden.  Additionally, earwigs are simply gross looking and do not belong in your home or business.


Flees feed on a variety of species including humans, dogs, cats and birds.  Flea bites can cause itching and irritation to the recipient.  At Boise Pest Control we have the knowledge and tools necessary to eradicate flea larva from the areas that Flea Larva best exist.


Silverfish are a wingless small insect which will likely scurry away if you try to catch it.  They are not known to be venomous, but they are an eyesore and do not belong inside of your home or business in Boise, Idaho.

Sow Bugs

Like earthworms, Sow Bugs are generally known to be beneficial for gardens as they create compost and assist in overturning soil.  However, sow bugs will eat certain plants in your garden.  Too many sow bugs can create a problem for any home or garden in Boise, Idaho.


Ticks are known to transmit a variety of infections cause by pathogens like bacteria , protozoa and viruses.  Diseases transmitted by ticks include Lyme disease, Colorado Tick Fever, typhus and the Heartland Virus.

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