

March 7, 2025

Spiders of Boise, ID
Spiders of Boise, ID
Spiders of Boise, ID

The Spiders of Boise, ID

Black Widow Spiders

Female black widow spiders have a black body with a yellow or red hourglass shape underneath their abdomen. Males are smaller than the females, lighter in color and have streaks of color on their abdomen.

The venom contained in the bite from a female black widow can be deadly. If there are black widow spiders inside of your home or business in Boise, Idaho contact Boise Pest Control, LLC.

Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown Recluse Spiders are dark brown or tan and have a dark violin marking on their back.

When bitten by a Brown Rescluse Spider the venom may cause the flesh to become necrotic or into an open ulcer, infection of the skin is also common.

Cat Face Spiders

Cat Face Spiders can be various colors of brown and yellow.

A Cat Face Spider will lay eggs in the fall and then the female will die shortly thereafter.  Spider babies, called Spiderlings, leave the egg sac in the spring and begin their lives.  This is one of the reasons why continuing pest control services through the fall and winter may be important.   However, venom from Cat Face spiders is not known to be harmful to humans, additionally, they are rarely able to puncture the skin of humans when biting.

Hobo Spiders

Hobo Spiders are brown with some yellow markings on their body.

The Center for Disease Control lists Hobo Spiders as one of three venomous spiders found in the United States.  If you have a Hobo Spider’s in your home or business in Boise, Idaho please contact Boise Pest Control, LLC.

Huntsman Spiders

Huntsman Spiders are various shades of brown and grey and they will sometimes have red, white or black coloring.

Huntsman Spiders are also referred to as Giant Crab Spiders.  Huntsman Spiders are not usually aggressive, but the bit from a Huntsman Spider is venomous.  A bite from a Huntsman Spider will result in swelling, itching and mild pain.

Wolf Spiders

Wolf Spiders can be any shade of brown, gray and black.  In order to survive, Wolf Spiders have learned how to camouflage themselves to the color of their environment.

A Wolf Spider can bite and when they do the venom usually causes mild pain, itching and swelling.

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